torek, 17. marec 2009

DFD in projekti

Četudi imajo nekateri drugačno mnenje, je moj okus za glasbo zelo zahteven. Ni vse kar piska in je čudno meni všeč. =D

In ko sem se pred enim letom podal v avantgardne vode glasbe, sem si seveda tudi zastavil nek cilj, ki ga iščem, in potem sem izvajalce, ki bi vsaj bili približno podobni temu cilju, ki sem si ga zastavil. Toda pred nekaj meseci sem pa odkril skupino Dog Fashion Disco, ki pa je preprosto izpoljnjevala vse moje zahteve! Ampak seveda ker imam nepremagljivo smolo, je band že končal z delovanjem, toda za sabo je pustil odlične albume, trije iz benda pa so celo ustanovili nov projekt, ki je nadeljeval s podobnim okusom glasbe in bo še nadaljeval!


Dog Fashion Disco

Dog Fashion Disco je band it Baltimora, Amerike, znan po spajanju različnih glasbenih stilov (70’s psychedelic, jazz, circusna glasba in voali, filmski žanr, hardcore, ska, v začetkih še veliko black metala), kjub vsemu pa so jih smatrali kot metal band. Pevec premore tipičen ska vokal, visok zafrkantski tenor, odličen scream in globok bas ter growl. Besedila so zafrkantska, družbeno kritična, tematska (album Adultery)... Dejansko dobiš (predvsem pri zadnjem albumu) občutek, daje vseskupaj nekakšen film.


Laper Friend iz albuma Anarchists Of Good Taste:


Silent Film iz albuma Aduletry, najboljšega albuma vseh časov =):

Purr pussycat you have so many lives to live
Claws out, dig deep and scratch away the skin
You know you own the night so go howl under the full moon
These streets are filled with killers and comic book goons

This is your life flashing before your eyes
All the riddles and rhymes echo in your mind
It looks as though the joke is on you

Circling spirits loom above the autopsies
Sinners and saints fail to communicate
Unforgiving eyes confessions caught on tape
Wish me luck I'm going in never to return

This is your life, flashing before your eyes
All the riddles and rhymes echo in your mind
It looks as though the joke is on you
As your blood runs cold and the plot thickens
Inside the mind of a killer this could all be yours

Blood tests and x-rays are clear,
Your results came back terminal
Nothing is saving you now at your deathbed confessional
Nurses with baby doll eyes, dont bother to fake a smile
Voices of victims left dead, echo like hospital halls

As you wipe your tears away and the credits begin to roll

You will never be the same, dead silence in your brain
Climactic and so cliche, like love scenes in the rain

Silent film reel, horror pig squels, a child's nightmare-help me
Meeting deadlines, making headlines, and if you,
Are a good girl I will set you free
I'm just kidding, none of it's true, none of it's true

From this lonely padded cell, to the crowded gates of hell

Live 100 Suicides iz albuma Adultery:


The Alter Boys

The Alter Boys so band s člani iz skupin Dog Fashion Disco, Mushroomhead in Unified Culture. Izvajajo cel kup različnih žanrov glasbe: metal, ska, funk, jazz ...


Polkadot Cadaver

Polkadot Cadaver pa so neke vrste nadaljevanje skupine DFD, v kateri delujejo trije pomembni člani: frontman Todd Smith, kitarist Jasan Stepp in bobnar John Ensminger.

Chloroform Girl s pretresljivim besedilom:

Your eyes look just like bullet holes 
it must be all that crying 
you haven't learned a thing at all 
another helter skelter 
moonlight has come and gone
the bloody writings on the wall 

Chloroform girl how have you been 
don't let me catch you sleeping again 
you're only alive because I like you 
it's been 3 years since you've seen the sunlight 
but I know you're having fun 
bound, gagged and chained up in my basement 

You look just like a zombie 
inches from dead and pretty 
with purple flowers in your hair 
I hear the angels crying just as the devil smiles 
all the little pigs will die tonight 

I hear the devil singing the most haunting melodies 
I've got this overwhelming feeling of morbid ecstasy coming over me


Še en odfuk, Pure Bedlam For Halfbreeds imenovan: